Photographer seeking... (per ad)

Photographer seeking supportive critique group for bi-weekly meetings. Punctuality and creativity desired. You should be: on time, and ready to go, willing to colaborate and work creatively. I will be on time, open-minded, curious and willing to explore with you.

Currently working with ideas for photographic representation of gender/sex/sexuality (GLBT, drag queens/kings, etc. for portraits) with the inclusion of text in the form of a form (in the form of a cut-up.) Think mug-shots, but Richard Avedon more than Andy Warhol.

Very interested in continuing explorations on Feminism, Gender, Sexuality that we started upon this Quarter. More Foucault? More Fausto-Sterling? A video on Avedon?

 Looking for like-minded people exploring the same themes/ideas etc. but not necessarily in the same medium.

(Also looking for models!)

Submitted by Kendall on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 12:43pm. Kendall's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version